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Educational Background: Kaitlyn did her schooling through the North York Board of Education and college from York University in Psychology Kaitlyn Leeb Net Worth Kaitlyn Leeb's net worth is 2 million U.S. dollars and her income is derived from her acting endorsements deal with brands, etc. Kaitlyns monthly income is around $30000 to $42000 thousand U.S. dollars. Kaitlyn began her career as an actress and later worked in the print and media industry. Instagram Journey Kaitlyn's Instagram has more than 75k followers which she uses to upload her photos and movies. The account was created by Kaitlyn on Instagram on 7th August 2012. Kaitlyn Leeb is a member of the family. Ted Leeb is Kaitlyn Leebs Husband and she has 2 children Avery Elizabeth Leeb on August 5, 2016, and Presley Leeb for 2020.

Kayla Maisonet is an American actor who is best known for her role of Georgie Diaz in the Disney sitcom Stuck in the Middle. Her family relocated out of New York to Los Angeles so that she could pursue her acting career. When she was a kid fascinated by the television, and had always wanted to become an actor. She was an avid Disney Channel fan and subsequently determined to make a go of it acting. The first time she began acting was in her school years and later continued into the adulthood. Her name was soon recognized as a performer in Los Angeles for her Off-Broadway performances. She had her first on-screen appearance in the 2012 Disney program Dog with a Blog, where she was a key recurring part of the show's cast. The Haunted Hathaways marked her debut appearance onscreen. Her career-defining moment came in the year 2016 when she was Georgie Diaz in the Disney series Stuck in the Middle. Kayla, as well as the series itself, became immensely popular. Kayla was awarded a Young Artist Award for her part in the show as Dog with a Blog.

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